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New Bar Exam Application System (General Instructions)

All applicants wishing to take the July 2024 Oregon Bar Exam must register as an applicant here. Registration is free. It will ask for information to help identify you, including your NCBE number. It will also ask about any prior applications for admission in Oregon or elsewhere, if applicable. Once registration is complete, you will be given access to your User Homepage.

From your User Homepage, you will be able to access the Bar Exam Application Portal. Applicants must fill out their bar exam application from this portal. The portal saves an applicant's progress anytime they leave the application, and the applicant can re-start where they left off. Applicants are required to answer every question in the application. If a question does not apply to you, you must type N/A or another suggested response into the relevant field.

Applicants are required to give a complete work history for the last 10-years, or up to the point where they turned 18, whichever is shorter. There can be no gaps in employment history. To avoid gaps input the month and year of your prior job's end date as the month and year your new job starts. If you were unemployed for a period of time, add a new employer and state the correct month and year that the unemployment began and the month and year the unemployment ended (same month and year as job that ended unemployment), and list the employer as “Unemployed.” Likewise, applicants must give a five year residential history, with no gaps in time between residences, so make sure that your prior residence ends the same month and year that your new residence begins.

For questions related to past conduct or behavior, if you answer affirmatively to any question, you must provide a narrative detail or explanation about the conduct, event or circumstances that caused you to answer affirmatively. After you have submitted your application, you will have the ability and the need to upload documentation to supplement your application, corroborate your explanation, or provide further insight into how you have changed from the person who engaged in the conduct that caused you to answer affirmatively, and describe the process that brought about said change, if any. Applicants with a history of conduct or behavior issues should not wait for the Admissions Department to contact them for more information. Instead, we strongly recommend that applicants be proactive and send relevant materials to the Admissions Department, which will expedite the review of any potential issues, and avoid delays in their ultimate admission in Oregon and elsewhere.

After answering all questions, you may submit your application after paying the correct fees, and agreeing to the terms of the Declaration, Release and Authorization Form allowing the OSB to contact third parties to verify information in the Application.

Once you have submitted your application, you can sign and upload other required forms. These include an acknowledgement of the Oregon Supreme Court’s Statement on Professionalism, and a Declaration for early exam takers (examinees taking the exam prior to graduation) that will be signed by their Dean of Students. These additional documents have the same deadline as the Graduation Certificates, which must be submitted no later than July 15, 2024.

One advantage of the new User Homepage is the messages system through which applicants can communicate directly with the admissions department processor responsible for their file. Additionally, they can contact IT support directly for any technical issues.  If something is missing from an application, or if follow-up is required, applicants will be notified by OSB or IT staff through their User Homepage.

We hope your application experience is a positive one, and we look forward to working with you.

OSB Admissions Staff

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